Join Us

Working together to put Teesdale traders on the map.

Book Your Space  Package Costs Advertise Here

The Greta Package

The gold standard package helps you to stand out with maximum exposure and the best placement on the site. 

The Lunedale Package

Keep your costs down and balance the books with the Lunedale package which provides good exposure and site placement.

The Baldersdale Package

Our entry level package. Great for micro-businesses and those just starting out. 







The Greta Package

  • Up to 450 words of descriptive copy promoting your business
  • Up to 8 images
  • Advertisers choosing our Greta package will enjoy the prime location within the website
  • Interactive Google map highlighting your location
  • All contact and location details
  • A Contact form feeding in to your own email inbox
  • Use of “Visit Teesdale” logo for your own website & marketing
  • Unlimited links to relevant website, FB page, TripAdvisor etc        £139pa

Want to appear on both websites? Choose our Greta package and have your business placed at the top of both Visit Teesdale and Made in Teesdale for only £45 extra.


The Lunedale Package

  • Up to 300 words of descriptive copy promoting your business
  • Up to 6 images
  • Interactive Google map highlighting your location
  • All contact and location details
  • Contact form feeding in to your email inbox
  • Use of “Visit Teesdale” logo for your own website & marketing
  • Up to three links to relevant website, FB page, TripAdvisor etc          £119pa

Want to appear on both websites? Have your business page on both Visit Teesdale and Made in Teesdale for only £45 extra.

The Baldersdale Package

  • Up to 200 words of descriptive copy promoting your business
  • Up to 4 images
  • Interactive Google Map
  • All contact and location details
  • Use of “Visit Teesdale” logo for your own website & marketing
  • Up to two links to relevant website, FB page or TripAdvisor £89pa

Want to appear on both websites? Have your business appear on both Visit Teesdale and Made in Teesdale for only £45 extra

What is Included?

We take time to get to know your business.  Everyone who joins us, will enjoy their own entry into the website, this can be shared on your own social media and we share it on our social media channels regularly.

Got a new product or service?  Something happening in your business? Let us know. And we’ll keep your entry updated.

Visit Teesdale is your space come and be part of it.

Your own page on this site

When you join us, we will take time to learn about your business and create a beautiful web page on this site to promote your business or organisation. Your products and services will be the focus of your page with a clear call to action for page visitors. Depending upon the package you choose, details of which are above, a summary of your webpage will be featured in key locations on this site.

Beautiful images

Your choice of images will illustrate your page.  Many business owners have favourite images and we can use these in your page. If you don’t have any images? This is not a problem. We’ll make a site visit and take photographs of your products to include in your page.

Social media

Your business will feature in our social media. We will post about your products and services and direct potential customers directly to your page on our website. From there it is only one click to phone you, send you an email, find your premises, checkout your prices…and quickly potential customers become current customers.

Updating of content

The package costs are annual charges and we will update your page at the anniversary of you joining us.  If you require any changes to your entry on this website, please just let us know. We are happy to make edits. 

Got something new to shout about?

Let us know and we will update your page. We will also let the world know about it on our social media channels. 

Want to sign up?

Contact us and find out how we can promote your business on this site

Working together for sustainable tourism in Teesdale

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