Teesdale Walks

Long Distance or Leisurely?

Wanting a leisurely stroll or a day in the fells. Teesdale offers walks for all ages and abilities with wonderful walking in peaceful beautiful places. The majestic beauty which is Teesdale falls within the  North Pennines AONB – The second largest Area of outstanding Natural Beauty in England and Wales and recognised as a Global Geopark as designated by UNESCO.

By river or fell?

The Tees rises on the lofty slopes of Cross fell, the highest point of the Pennine spine. The waters of the Tees move gradually from the high heather lands of Tees Head through the stunning valley and falls of upper Teesdale to the marvellous middle reaches, before the slow meandering and inevitable journey towards the North Sea.  The river is followed on its journey from source to the sea by the 92 miles long Teesdale Way.

Geological & Geographical Wonders?

If a long distance route is not for you, walking in Teesdale can be a more leisurely pursuit for all ages and abilities and or course not forgetting our four legged friends, with many dog friendly areas and attractions.

Walking through Geological and Geographical wonders. Areas of historical importance from early settlements to modern day land management. The experience of walking in areas immortalised in paint by JMW Turner and  works penned by Sir Walter Scott and Charles Dickens.

Walking in Teesdale offers you the opportunity to explore this truly English Gem.

Many thanks to The Witham in Barnard Castle for allowing us to publish this range of walk leaflets  whic can be downloaded and printed or saved to your phone or tablet.

Barnard Castle to Abbey Bridge

Abbey Bridge to Whorlton

Barnard Castle to Lartington

Barnard Castle to Cotherstone

Cotherstone to Barnard Castle

Cotherstone East Circular

Cotherstone west circular

Staindrop circular

Bowes east circular

Bowes west circular

Barnard Castle & Stainton circular

Barnard Castle west circular

Teesdale Way

Stretching 92 miles from the highest sections of the Pennines, the Teesdale Way is a marked long distance walking route.  You can choose to include the stunning waterfalls of High Force and Cauldron Snout, and the river’s source at Cow Green Reservoir or head downstream and enjoy the Tees as it meanders from Middleton to Piercebridge.

The Pennine Way

The Pennine Way runs alongside the Teesdale Way in some parts of Teesdale and the waymarked signs can be found along some sections.  This famous British long distance walk, of some 268 miles long, can include a refreshment break at the Tan Hill Inn, a stop off in the picturesque village of Middleton in Teesdale and the high fells of Dufton and High Cup Nick.

The route is detailed on several sites including The National Trail website, click here.

The Rambling Man,  for a link to the  website click here


“The Sweeter Side of Teesdale” Bill’s Walk

Walk’s which include great pubs en-route, are the kind of walk’s which call out to us. Is there anything better after a challenging walk around Holwick Scar, Falcon Clints, High Force taking in the Black Cock Lek at Langdon Beck and then finishing in the cosy bar of The Strathmore Arms. 

Read Bill’s Walk description of The Sweeter Side of Teesdale by clicking here. 

Teesdale Challenge Walks

The Teesdale Challenge Walks website details a series of graded walks, bronze, silver & gold along with a rainbow walk suitable for even the youngest family members. 

Read about the Teesdale Challenge Walks by clicking here.